Dr Nic's Maths and Stats
Including Creative Maths
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Statistics Learning Centre

Sampling Pack - for teaching Curriculum Level 5 Sampling - Years 9 to 13

$79.00 $105.00


Academics' Choice Mind Spring AwardYour students will enjoy learning statistics with Dragonistics Data Cards. The Sampling Pack has 3 sets of Dragonistics Data Cards, each representing a unique dragon and containing multivariate data about that dragon. Your students can explore statistical concepts and gain understanding by sorting and organising the cards. They can directly create tables and graphs with the cards, allowing them to draw meaningful conclusions.

The data is designed to produce results similar to real datasets but with a controlled relationship strength. The dataset is rich, allowing for multiple lessons.

The Sampling Pack is ideal for the Creative Maths free sampling lessons (senior high school or entry-level university). These, and other statistics lesson plans, can be downloaded from the Creative Maths website. With 720 cards the dragon population is big enough to show why sampling is needed.

Here is a video about the cards:

Here is a video showing an introductory statistics lesson using the cards:

Free shipping within New Zealand. 


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